It wasn't anything special. Ludwig was staying over in Feliciano's house for a week. They don't get much time together, especially since they're so far apart; the Alps wedge an impassable barrier between them. Ludwig and Feliciano just lay on the couch, watching some comedy show they both like. The TV gave light to the dark room. Ludwig and Feliciano sat on the leather couch, the TV show wasn't the most important thing, it was their company that was important.
Feliciano was sleeping under a blanket; Venice's Winter had yet to pass and Feliciano thought it cold, while Ludwig was perfectly content to lounge in some jeans and a shirt. The show was barely paid attention to, Ludwig had his attention on Feliciano. Feliciano also wasn't paying complete attention to the show, only to Ludwig. Their inconsistent meet-ups made them want to get the most out of each and every day.
"Ludwig," Feliciano suddenly said.
"Yes?" Ludwig asked, a bit surprised by Feliciano's sudden talkativeness
"It's been so long since I've been able to see you, Ludwig, I haven't seen your face in so long!" Feliciano said, stating the obvious
"Likewise here. I know I should have come to see you sooner, but I just didn't have the time, or the money, or-"
"No, no. It's fine, I just.. got kind of lonely not being able to see you," Feliciano interrupted "And, like, of course, I knew we were still together, after all, we texted each other practically every other minute. I just felt lonely never seeing you in person,"
The comedy show was still playing in the background, yet just now Feliciano had poured his heart out to Ludwig.
"I... felt the same way, and I'm glad we're finally together now," Ludwig responded
"Yes, it's great that you get to spend a whole week here with me, isn't it?" Feliciano asked. Ludwig nodded and the two actually began to watch the show, now that that necessary conversation had been had.
The show was funny, and the two enjoyed it, as well as their company, but before they knew it, the show was over.
"Wow, that episode was good," Ludwig said
"I know, some of those one-liners!" Feliciano said
"Is there anything else you'd like to do?" Ludwig asked
"Oh, I don't really mind, but, it's getting kind of late," Feliciano said
"Well, if you'd like to sleep, you're more than welcome do so," Ludwig said
"Oh, no, I'm fine doing something if you'd like to do something,"
"Well, how about a game of chess?" Ludwig offered
"Um, sure! You know how to play, right?" Feliciano said
"Of course I do," Ludwig responded, and thus, he had quickly set up the 64-square board to play on. The white and black pieces followed
"Hey, Feliciano," Ludwig said
"Yeah?" Feliciano said
"I'll choose a number, 1 or 2, and if you guess my number correctly, you'll be white, otherwise, you'll be black. Deal?" Ludwig said
"Sure! I think it's....." Feliciano pondered long and hard about it "2!" He said eventually
"Unfortunately, I was actually thinking of 1," Ludwig said
"Huh, really?" Feliciano asked, slightly dissapointed "Oh well, I guess I'll be black."
Ludwig rotated the board around so Feliciano's side was black and his side was white. He then made the first move. Feliciano quickly followed. He soon realized after a couple of moves that Feliciano was simply copying the moves he made. He took advantage of this by taking one of Feliciano's pieces, forcing him to end the symmetry
"Aww, why would you do that? Now we can't be symmetrical!" Feliciano said
"Yes, that's exactly why I did that; assymetries give me opportunities to exploit and take advantage of; symmetries will eventually lead to asymmetries, it's just a matter of time," Ludwig replied pensively. Feliciano took back and they proceeded to have a more normal game of chess, unti Ludwig accidentally left one of his knights to die.
"Haha!" Feliciano said triumphantly as he took it. "Now then, since you are at a disadvantage, I will now extend a courteous mercy to you and offer you a draw!"
"Offer a draw? You can even do that in chess?" Ludwig asked, surprised "In any case I'll say no." It was clear to Ludwig that Feliciano was copying the mannerisms of somebody else, but whom, he didn't know. All he could discern was that they would be pretentious enough to use the word "courteous" in normal conversation
"Umm, hello! Ludwig, are you gonna make a move?" Feliciano asked. Ludwig had gotten so deep into thought that he had forgotten about the chess game entirely. He quickly began to try to win the knight back, though that was obviously a task easier said than done.
The game continued in a similar manner for quite some time, Ludwig tried to trick Feliciano but Feliciano wasn't falling for it. It was now an endgame, only the rooks remained, except for an extra knight Feliciano had. That's when Ludwig realized that if he moved his rook to attack Feliciano's king, it would also attack his knight, meaning he could take it the next turn. Ludwig quickly moved his rook into position. Yet Feliciano smiled, and simply slid his rook backwards, protecting his king and his piece. Ludwig panicked and took the rook, resulting in the king to also take the rook and Ludwig's subsequent swift defeat
"Aha! I won! I won!" Feliciano said, crying at the top of his lungs. Ludwig smiled, happy to see him this happy for the first time in a while.
"Should've accepted that draw I gave you, huh, Ludwig?" Feliciano said, clearly trying to rub the salt in the wound
"No, of course I shouldn't have," Ludwig responded calmly.
Feliciano seemed slightly taken aback by this and asked "Why? Drawing is better than losing."
"Well, while it is, I would have never seen my boyfriend as happy as he is if I accepted that offer now, would I have?" Ludwig asked. Feliciano immediately flamed up and smiled sweetly. He didn't know what to say.
"Ok, but to be serious for a moment, I'm glad I got to spend today with you, Feliciano. It's been a while now and I hope I'll be able to see you more often soon, once I finally get a better job," Ludwig said. Now it was his turn to pour his heart out to Feliciano
"And, I just want to say, I love you so much, and it's just been a really difficult time right now, but thank you so much for being with me the entire time, it really means everything to me. Every message you send, every call you make, every time you respond with a smiley face in our texting conversations. I want to let you know that you're loved and valued. You mean the world to me, and I just wish I could be with you more, I just wish planes were cheaper," Ludwig said. He was surprised how easily his mouth was able to spill all of his heart's contents onto the floor once he began talking
"Ludwig, I love and value you too..." Feliciano said, noticing the sudden sour shift in their conversation. "Here, tomorrow, we're gonna go on the best date you've ever been to, fanciest restaurant in Venice, how does that sound?" Feliciano said
"Woah, what!? Are you sure you'll have the money for that, as well as a trip to Berlin come early Spring?" Ludwig asked
"Don't worry about the money, I'll be fine!" Feliciano said, trying to just make Ludwig happy
"No, please, don't overspend on me. Really, I don't even like fancy restaurants anyways," Ludwig said
"What!? How is this overspending, because to me, you're worth so much more than some paper!" Feliciano said. Ludwig remained silent. He wasn't exactly opposed to the idea of a fancy date in a fancy restaurant in Venice, but he just didn't want Feliciano to spend too much on him
"Okay then, but please, let us split the bill," Ludwig pleaded.
"No, you've already spent enough on me. Let me spend some money on you,"