Ludwig peered around in all directions, looking at the luscious gardens that surrounded him. This place was to be his rendezvous with Feliciano Vargas. The fountain in front of him splashed water as the irritatingly hot Summer sun shone straight down on Ludwig's face. He conceded to himself that he definitely dressed disproportionately for a day as hot as this one. At least the flowers in the garden would enjoy this. Ludwig checked his watch. The watch read 3:25. This was the time their rendezvous was scheduled for, yet Feliciano was not here yet. Suddenly, Ludwig heard exasperated breathing and panting from behind him. Feliciano came in, attempting to appear suave yet utterly failing
"Hi! Did I, uh, arrive on time?" Feliciano asked, out of breath.
"Yes, indeed you did," Ludwig said calmly.
"Oh, that's great! And this garden is too!" Feliciano said
"Yes, I believed that it would be good to tour around it for a bit," Ludwig replied
"Oh, yes, and how wonderful of a tour it would make! But, uh, it's always good to sit down for a bit, right?" Feliciano asked
"Oh, well, if you would like to just sit down here that would be fine," Ludwig said, knowing the exact implications. He moved over slightly on the wooden bench to make room for Feliciano to sit beside him. The white marble statues shone in the brightness of the sun as Feliciano began to catch his breath.
"So, uh, what made you choose this garden?" Feliciano asked Ludwig
"It seems to have some rather fine architecture, which I know you like," Ludwig said. "Also, I thought it would be a good temperature to rest in the heat, but as you already know, that is not true."
"Ah, well, this place looks super nice! Thanks Ludwig!" Feliciano said. Ludwig smiled and stared wordlessly into Feliciano's eyes for a moment before replying
"You're welcome," he said.
"You know what, I think I can walk around now and see this garden!" Feliciano said. Ludwig wasn't thrilled by the idea of walking around in this sweltering heat but he decided to do so anyways.
Ludwig and Feliciano took the path to the left and began to observe the flowers and shrubs present in the garden. There were also several white marble statues depicting the leaders of Rome. There were several gladiolus flowers, white tulips, pink peonies, yellow begonia plants and a statue of Trajan.
"Wow! Look at the flowers and the statue!" Feliciano said. The statue was of Trajan holding a sword and standing up perfectly straight. There was another fountain in this area along with a path for the water to flow into the fountain. There were orange trees lending shade to Feliciano and Ludwig as they discussed the area
"I wonder, do the flowers have any symbolism or hidden meaning to them?" Ludwig pondered
"Oh! Have you ever looked into flower symbolism before Ludwig?" Feliciano responded
"Not particularly, I just thought it would be weird to have so many pink flowers, when that usually symbolizes femininity" Ludwig said
"Ah! Now, that's where you're misinterpereting it! You see those gladiolus flowers?" Feliciano said, pointing towards them. Ludwig nodded without saying anything "Those flowers symbolize strength and perseverence!" Feliciano said
"Really?" Ludwig said, mildly surprised. "Then again, its name bears semblence to the word 'gladiator', no?" Ludwig responded
"Yes, exactly! Now then, look towards those yellow begonia plants, those can symbolize happiness, wealth and good luck," Feliciano continued explaining
"Ah, did Trajan bring riches to Rome?" Ludwig asked
"Well, there has been, um, some debate among historians," Feliciano began, and then stopped. "Um, he did win lots of battles in the east though!"
"Ah, so is that where the strenght meaning comes in?" Ludwig asked
"Ah! Ah! Yes, that must be it!" Feliciano realized. "As for the other 2 plants, I'm not really sure I remember..." Feliciano trailed off
"Wow, your floral knowledge impresses me, Feliciano," Ludwig said. Feliciano smiled
"Hehe thanks Ludwig!" Feliciano responded. "But, don't think I'm done just because I've looked at all of the flowers!" Feliciano said confidently. Ludwig seemed slightly taken aback by this statement but he still listened in closely
"Do you see the orange trees?" Feliciano asked
"Well, yes, but I don't see what hidden meaning it could have," Ludwig responded
"Well, those orange trees are actually extremely common in Trajan's birthplace, Italica!" Feliciano said triumphantly
"Wow, how do you know so much about Ancient Rome?" Ludwig asked
"Ah, well, uh, anyways! We came here to see the gardens, not to have an impromtu lecture, right?" Feliciano said
"No, I like when you talk about what you're clearly passionate about," Ludwig said
"Really? You mean it?" Feliciano asked
"Of course I do," Ludwig responded calmly. Feliciano's eyes lit up as the two began to walk to the left again where they saw a white marble statue of Augustus Caesar, gladiolus flowers and pink calla lilies, as well as goldenrod flowers off to the side of the statue of Augustus Caesar.
"Do they insist on a monochrome colour pallet for the Roman Emperors? Or do they just really love pink that much" Ludwig poondered, thinking out loud
"Well, who doesn't love pink! And besides, there is goldenrod flowers to the side!" Feliciano said
"Hmm.. Those are gladiolus flowers, aren't they," Ludwig said
"Yes! So, we know those mean strength, and then next to them are calla liles, which symbolizes rebirth!" Feliciano said
"Ahhh... I see now," Ludwig replied pensively, realizing the connection between Augustus and rebirth.
"And then the goldenrod, I'm not exactly sure what it means, but yellow can usually mean happiness, wealth and prosperity!" Feliciano said.
"This is all very interesting Feliciano, your knowledge amazes me," Ludwig said admiringly
"Oh, well, your willingness to travel all this way just to see me is also just as admirable" Feliciano responded
"Oh, really, it wasn't anything special. Besides, I just love the way you talk about what you're passionate about," Ludwig said
"Ludwig, it really is. It amazing that you're always willing to come and see me!" Feliciano said passionately. "You've almost never said no!"
"Of course I wouldn't. I'd do anything for you, Feliciano," Ludwig said. Feliciano smiled
"And I would do anything for you! I really love you, you know that, don't you, Ludwig?" Feliciano said
"Yes. I love you too, Feliciano," Ludwig said, and the two pulled each other into a tight hug. As they eventually pulled away, all they could see were each other's smiles.
"So, is there somewhere you would like to go next?" Ludwig asked
"Not really, as long as I'm with you!" Feliciano proclaimed loudly.
"Well, would you like to tour around silently?" Ludwig asked "Silence really helps me appreciate my surroundings."
"Sure!" Feliciano said. Ludwig was glad to have some silence to finally be able to take in the surroundings in serenity. The garden had lots to offer, not only did they see even more statues of the Roman Emperors, but there were also sections dedicated to trees, shrubs, bushes and more. The serenity and the beauty of the garden could not be overstated; this garden was a good idea. Ludwig had become so distracted that he had become unaware of how hot he was in the sweltering heat; its beauty had enraptured him. This garden was the perfect place to be with Feliciano, Ludwig realized. And soon, as if no time had passed at all, Feliciano and Ludwig were back at that fountain, once again.
"I think it is time that we must part ways..." Ludwig said morosely
"No, come on! You can come down to my house!" Feliciano replied
"Your house? You've never offered before," Ludwig noted
"Yeah, well, I have this brother who's kind of a dick, but I don't think he'll care," Feliciano said
"Well then, I guess we can go now. Shall we?"