The music coming out of the radio was seemingly louder now than ever. It was Ludwig’s 18 th birthday, and this would be the day where he and his soulmate could converse via his arm. Ludwig’s other friends had all found their soulmates, all of them living in the general vicinity of West Berlin. Although, there was one tragic exception. That was Daniel Héderváry, a Hungarian immigrant whose soulmate was on the other side of the iron curtain, living in Szczecin, Poland. The town wasn’t too far from the East German border, however, and she claims that when the curtain “finally falls”, she will come rushing for her love. Ludwig had doubts that the curtain would fall in his lifetime, but it was nice that she felt enthusiasm.
Ludwig had no idea what his soulmate was like, and it seemed that he was going to find out soon. He had the exact details memorized: October 3 rd , 8:17pm. It was then that he would turn exactly 18 and finally find his soulmate. He readied a pen for the impending event. He wasn’t sure what to start with. Perhaps a simple “Hallo” would be good? He was pondering his opening words carefully. It came almost as a shock to him, when the radio presenters announced that it was 8:15pm. Ludwig quickly glanced at the clock in his room to make sure he wasn’t hallucinating. His heart raced and readied himself for his conversation.
8:17pm. The time had come. Ludwig quickly brandished his pen and wrote. Hallo. My name is Ludwig, yours? he wrote.
Oh, um, hi! I’m Feliciano! His soulmate wrote back, the man’s handwriting appearing noticeably messy and all over the place; he wrote at a rapid pace.
Well then, hi Feliciano. So, do you live in Italy? Ludwig wrote back. It was hard for him to keep calm, but he thought he was doing a decent enough job at it.
Sì! I live in Venice, so are you German? If so, West Germany or East Germany? Feliciano wrote back
Oh, West, but I live in West Berlin. Ludwig responded. Already he was running out of space on his wrist to write and would have to wipe off the ink soon. He decided to multitask by turning off the radio and grabbing the wet towel to wipe off the ink from his arm.
Oh, I’ve heard lots about West Berlin. It must get sad not being able to leave the confines of your city. Feliciano replied. Ludwig grabbed his towel and began to scrub the ink off of his hand before writing his response again
Ja, it can get a bit isolating, however, Berlin is quite a big city, even if only half of it is accessible to me, and there are over 2 million people here. Most of my friends’ soulmates are in West Berlin. It was definitely unexpected to have a Venetian man as my soulmate. Ludwig responded.
Likewise. Most of my friends have similar experiences, all having soulmates contained in the north of Italy. Here, since we aren’t going to see each other for a while, how about a description of yourself? Feliciano responded.
Ok then. I’m 180cm tall, I have short blond hair and blue eyes, with little to no facial hair. I’m currently wearing a silver bracelet on my left hand, with black jeans and a black t-shirt and sweater. December in Berlin really is no joke! Ludwig responded. Once again, his arm lacked space to write more, so Ludwig began to wipe it down with the towel.
Ok then! I guess I can start on my art! Perhaps when we meet each other, I should show you this and keep it as a memento! Feliciano wrote.
A memento, huh... Ludwig wrote. He was practically emptying his thoughts straight out onto his arm, but he didn’t mind the unconventional format. What he was not used to, however, was the extremely affectionate nature of this man.
Yep! I can already see the picture taking form in my head! Feliciano wrote quickly.
So, are you drawing it now? Ludwig wrote
No! I’m painting it! Feliciano wrote quickly. Ludwig wiped down his arm again.
Ah, so, you like art? Ludwig scribbled quickly.
Yeah! It’s just really relaxing! Feliciano responded.
How long have you been painting for? He asked, attempting to create some small talk about their lives
Oh, since I was really small! I can’t remember when I started, but it’s always been a large part of my life Feliciano scribbled quickly. What about you? he hastily added. Ludwig wiped down his arm before responding again. Ludwig quickly scrubbed down his arm with the towel, the once monotonous task now mere child’s play to Ludwig.
No, I prefer more concrete things grounded in reality, like engineering and the sciences He wrote pensively.
Oh! So, do you think you could add some jetpacks to my Fiat Panda? Feliciano scribbled quickly again. Ludwig smiled. The man before him was certainly an enigma. A beautiful enigma, but an enigma, nonetheless.
No, the jetpacks would likely destroy the wheels if implemented, not to mention the damage done to the exterior accumulating over time Ludwig wrote with care. Also, it may interfere with the combustion system. He continued.
Oh. That makes sense now that you say it Feliciano wrote, the energetic scribbles characterizing his writing were now absent, replaced with more uniform lettering.
Ludwig was going to ask Feliciano about the painting, when he realized he never actually got a description of Feliciano.
Hey, I just realized I never got a description of you! Ludwig wrote. He hoped he had not made the situation awkward by completely dismissing Feliciano’s idea.
Oh! Right, I forgot! Feliciano wrote. Ludwig smiled, the man’s handwriting had very quickly returned to its natural state: messy and chaotic. I’m, well, I have brown eyes and hair. I think I’m 170cm tall, I have short hair, I’m wearing black leather boots with khaki pants. I have earrings in both of my ears, and a Swatch watch on my left hand. There was a noticeable lack of space, so Feliciano was forced to cram it all into the tiny space he had left. I’m wearing a blue shirt as well.
Ludwig immediately wiped down all of the ink on his arm; it was noticeably more difficult now with how much Feliciano had written
Oh! You seem very fashionable! Ludwig wrote in response.
Yes! I personally love to see all of the new fashion trends circulating our small area! I only got that Swatch watch recently but it seems to be blowing up all around Venezia! Feliciano responded.
Well, I haven’t actually heard of the brand myself, perhaps I should check out what they have for sale. Ludwig wrote. Again, he was kind of transferring his thoughts directly to his arm, but it wasn’t exactly something bad for him. It was refreshing for him to be able to speak unfiltered.
Oh! Well, if you ever need fashion recommendations, just ask me! Feliciano responded. Ludwig was beginning to think about fashion in a different way than he had thought of it before. Sure, he had that bracelet, but that was only a gift from a friend. He thought he might actually ask this man for advice. After all, it’s good to look good, no?
Thanks for the offer. Ludwig wrote down slowly. And if you ever need help with the sciences, you can always ask me too . He continued.
Oh! Well, of course I will if I need to! Feliciano scribbled. There was a small pause before he began to write some more.
Hey! So, do you have short or long hair? Feliciano asked. Ludwig felt like this entire conversation was becoming a lot more awkward after they hadn’t talked for a while.
Oh, my hair is short. Ludwig wrote slowly.
Ok! Thanks! Also, I think my painting is coming along well! Feliciano responded.
Really? You must be fast at art! Ludwig responded. He was genuinely impressed at his fast progressed.
Oh! Well, I have the head done with some of the facial features. Feliciano scribbled. Say, it’s sad that we won’t be able to see each other until the iron curtain falls. Feliciano continued.
Agreed. However, I have many doubts that the iron curtain will fall any time soon. Ludwig wrote.
Why not? Why can’t it come down any time soon? Feliciano probed
Well, let’s just say it would be miraculous if it did. Ludwig wrote. He was very confident in his beliefs. Ludwig looked at the time. It was 9:35pm. He hadn’t expected to be talking to his soulmate for such a long time. He needed to sleep for tomorrow.
Hey, I need to sleep now. I’ll talk to you tomorrow? Ludwig wrote quickly
Yeah! Let’s talk tomorrow! Feliciano responded
Ok then, gute nacht. Ludwig wrote
Buona notte Feliciano responded, before continuing to work on the painting he was working on, while Ludwig began to go to sleep.