ok so uh. this is just me talking about who i am kin with mostly and some other things as well.

this is cool and all but what the fuck is kin?

i'm glad you asked stranger! otherkin is.... complicated to define in a single paragraph since so many people experience it very differently, so i will briefly summarize how i experience being otherkin.

so basically, the way i experience it is that i end up identifying as fictional characters (not technically but more on this later). that is basically it. i have memories from being these characters despite them not being real. "how is this possible?" you may ask, and that's a great question. unfortunately, i don't have an answer for you.

what's important to note as well is that this is an involuntary experience. i did not choose to be sans, i just am him.

questions that you probably don't have but which i feel obligated to answer anyways

who i am (ranked by how much i feel like i am them)

  1. dhurke sahdmadhi
  2. sans
  3. big man
  4. shy guy

i will admit that big man and shy guy are essentially the same amount of me. idk i can't phrase it well. they'd be equal on the list if that was possible.