ok so uh. this is just me talking about who i am kin with mostly and some other things as well.
i'm glad you asked stranger! otherkin is.... complicated to define in a single paragraph since so many people experience it very differently, so i will briefly summarize how i experience being otherkin.
so basically, the way i experience it is that i end up identifying as fictional characters (not technically but more on this later). that is basically it. i have memories from being these characters despite them not being real. "how is this possible?" you may ask, and that's a great question. unfortunately, i don't have an answer for you.
what's important to note as well is that this is an involuntary experience. i did not choose to be sans, i just am him.
that's not a question but good for you! on a more serious note, i really do not give a fuck if you think this is all crazy and stupid and that i'm delusional or whatever. what i do ask of you, however, is to not say that to me. these arguments are fruitless either way, in the same way i cannot prove that i am non-binary, i cannot prove that i am dhurke.
no! in case you don't know, from what i've gathered a kinshift is essentially feeling like you're more like one of your kins over time. this does not happen to me. my kinlist is stagnant, save for the addition of a new kin.
ok THIS ONE is fun. i was with datz are'bal in my former law offices turned rebel base and we decided we'd have a bit of fun so we decided to play a drinking game that involved the show "the plumed punisher: warrior of neo twighlight realm" (this would take. a lot of effort to explain. but basically know that this show is government-funded propaganda where they write fanfiction of me (dhurke) torturing random 12 year olds. this is the only footage we have of it in-game ). i don't exactly remember the rules of the drinking game but suffice it to say we had the time of our lives and then we were severely hungover afterwards. it's fun to reminisce on though.
uh, so no! :) this is a new meaning it has taken on that has a pretty storied history but it essentially came from the old "kin for fun" movement (i'm not explaining that here) but basically it was "oh yeah we're not delusional like those freaks. we just relate to the characters." in short they tried to take the words we used to identify ourselves and water them down. nowadays it doesn't really exist anymore but there is now a whole new class of person who thinks "kin" just means relating to a character. also some people might get mad if you use words that derive from this period (kinnie and using kin as a verb) but personally i don't really care. although something else to note is that kin is short for kind so it doesn't really make sense to use it as a verb though do remember that in english almost every noun can be verbed :3
fuck yes! doubles are awesome
ok so as-of-yet i have not kinfirmed (confirmed that i am kin with) space as a concept. you may ask: "how can you identify as space as a concept." and once again i cannot answer this question. i have always just had an affinity for space and spacecraft and i have felt a special connection to space ever since i was a child
uhhhhhhh great question :)))))))))))) for me this basically just means "more memories and more connections to the canon."
i already know dhurke might come under scrutiny for this lol... even though you could definitely leverage more points against sans.
ok so two points:
1: even though i am them... i'm also not them, in the way that i have changed and moved on. i am a different person from my kins
2: if it's that big of a deal you're allowed to block me. i don't give a shit make your life better.
also like literally every person has done something "problematic" before, it comes with being human. (in case you couldn't tell. i do not like the word "problematic" due to how vague it is. but also it's funny because it's a gd reference)
i will admit that big man and shy guy are essentially the same amount of me. idk i can't phrase it well. they'd be equal on the list if that was possible.